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My Ordinary Week #22

Writer's picture: Dylan NardiniDylan Nardini

Welcome to My Ordinary Week #22. Let me tell you, thank goodness for the wee Sony and the Samsung S8. The big camera was virtually classed obsolete with work being the best photography opportunity of the week. If you throw in the small matter of my first ever public photography talk to deal with, then it’s maybe not surprising the D810 stayed firmly in the bag.

Firstly, work was dominant so each day had it’s own opportunity and with a glimpse of light, accompanied with high winds it was the easy accessibility of my phone that allowed me to capture the fleeting late light that fell on some lineside foliage of the rail yard.

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It can be very frustrating to see such lovely light and not be able to take full photographic advantage but I often remind myself that if it wasn’t for my job these moments would have to be dreamed of rather than observed. It is a privileged position to be in, where I get paid to witness the landscape in every hour of the day, and every time of the year while passing through it from a vantage point limited to a small number.

I managed to grab an image each day at work when there was the odd moment of light.

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I’ve found there to be a lot of grey days this autumn and that’s after the driving rain and cutting winds, but I’ve started to see it calm down a little with the odd moment of beautiful light finding spots of colour. There doesn’t appear to be as much damaged as I’d feared from the high winds of early October, there is still plenty of colour out there, I just need to get out there and experience it.

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As I’d mentioned in week #21 it has been a hectic few weeks but I’m starting to find a little more time with a few deadlines and events now in the past.

One of those events was my first photography talk. Last spring I had been invited to speak at the wonderful North Berwick Photographic Society and although public speaking is not something I am comfortable with I still took it as a challenge and accepted the invitation. To be honest I had put it to the back of my mind and of course it crept up on me in the end. With help from many online friends who gave me invaluable advice especially in regards an acceptable number of images to fill the 2 hour slot I got there in the end.

It came around quickly and it appeared to go very well. I was probably talking a lot of nonsense but in the end I just found myself talking about each image and eventually forgot there was 30 odd people listening to me. I got some nice words of thanks at the end which is always nice. I have learnt from it too though and will change one or two things for my next talk at Paisley in March, but for now that can be put back to the rear of mind.

Before the talk I enjoyed a walk around the gorgeous town of North Berwick and also relaxed for a while on the sea front.

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So that’s it, another week gone. There’s a feeling of there being a huge weight off my shoulders, well apart from a few comps to enter, but basically it’s a lot quieter and perhaps with that there will be a few extra opportunities to get out and about in the coming weeks with conditions becoming far more favourable.

Thank you for reading once again and would love it if you managed to return next week. As always feel free to comment or contact me with any thoughts.

Until next week……

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